Sunday, February 11, 2018

“One of my greatest priorities is to reduce the price of prescription drugs. In many other countries, these drugs cost far less than what we pay in the United States. That is why I have directed my administration to make fixing the injustice of high drug prices one of our top priorities. Prices will come down,” president Trump has said.



Now, this is something that everyone can benefit from and sink their teeth into. Or if you are one of those teeth challenged seniors, your gums.  All too often we hear of the people that have to choose between paying for rent, food, heating/cooling bills or prescribed medications. This should never be forced on anyone as a life or death decision.   

My parents found this to be the reality as they tried to be comfortable in their sunset years. I recall my mother spending a lot of her time on the phone and the internet trying to find the lowest prices on the medications, and there was a plethora of them, that she and Pops took daily instead of relaxing from the many years they spent raising seven children.


The 20 medicines, which together accounted for 15% of global pharmaceuticals spending in 2014, are a major source of profits for companies including AbbVie, AstraZeneca, Merck, Pfizer, and Roche. Ben Hirschler, Scientific America


I personally do not feel this particular pain since I live in Costa Rica as a permanent resident. My wife and I are both retired now so we are in the Securo Social so 95% of all our drugs are issued to us at no cost. Most cancer and new drugs we must buy at one of the pharmacias. But all other medical expenses are paid by the government. Thus leaving us more money to enjoy our sunset years.  If a third world country can afford us this benefit why not the first world country of the United States of America or as it is called here Estados Unidos

So Mr. President, tear down those ludicrous prices!! Let your people relax in their sunset years!!











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