An emotional support hamster has met her watery end at the Baltimore/Washington International airport. She was tossed down the toilet to save her owner the discomfort of a couple days on a bus ride home from college. What a dilemma! Do I sacrifice a couple days discomfort or do I throw my EMOTIONAL SUPPORT down the toilet? Wait!! I know. I'll just murder my EMOTIONAL SUPPORT and then sue the airline and take the money and soothe myself laying on the beach in Costa Rica. They don't have an extradition treaty with the US, do they? Or maybe I can go to one of their many volcanos and throw an emotional support howler monkey in and sue the government there for smoke inhalation from the volcano and move to Canada. There she can acquire an emotional support Mounted Police person, must be PC correct, to mount her emotions at her beckoning.
This poor 21-year-old may be on a path to becoming a sue the bastards serial killer. Who among us can possibly blame her? Afterall, a representative from the airline had told her that it was OK to have the animal, rodent, on the plane. Then at the airport, they said no to the rodent. Who among us can take finding out that someone made a mistake! God forbid!! It's obvious that she did not have her coloring books and crayons with her and please, this ranked up there close to Hillary being cheated out of the election. DON'T YOU THINK????
Read all about this poor emotionally damaged child here. However, read the disclaimer first, I don't need the blood of some EMOTIONAL SUPPORT cockroach on my conscience. And I refuse to sacrifice my piggy bank, they have feelings too you know, just so some johnny-come-lately reader can have an all expense paid trip to some foreign land to do God knows what to some poor unsuspecting emotional support something.
The deceased, Pebbles, and the
emotionally damaged killer
Disclaimer: I take NO responsibility for any and all permanent psychological damage that may occur from the horrendous story you are about to read. To Pebbles.....RIP snake bait.
What about that emotional support peacock? I saw that on the news and I said, "Whaaat??" Who has an emotional support peacock? Are you kidding me? What's next ... an emotional support rattlesnake?
What about that emotional support peacock? I saw that on the news and I said, "Whaaat??" Who has an emotional support peacock? Are you kidding me? What's next ... an emotional support rattlesnake?