Saturday, November 23, 2019

Potholes or craters?

I was reading a blog post from a friend that lives in the United States and my little light came on. I should warn anyone that has never tried to navigate the roads here, or as we like to call them the never-ending potholes, do not eat just before driving or the 'bumps' may remind you of what you just had. Just look down at your clothes and ask yourself, did I have salsa on those tacos? 

Infrastructure is NOT on the to-do-list in this country. When they do decide to patch some potholes the material they use is so inferior that you can see a crew filling holes and pass by in a day or so wonder how far that patch material floated before totally disintegrating. And now the hole is bigger!!! 


The first time I moved here I had just bought a brand new Pontiac Firebird. I had spent 4 days checking out the country and knew that that T-top Cinnamon color low riding sweetie was not coming here with me if I decided to take the promotion and added day to day headaches that were waiting in the three countries where I would develop manufacturing plants. So the company bought me a new Jeep and my wife got a new RAV-4. Take that you nasty potholes[craters]. 


Driving here is like driving in Washington, DC or Los Angeles. You fire up the car, exit and walk around to each wheel housing praying that your guardian angel did not take this day off. Here they spell car, AGGRESSION. Don't get me started about motorcycles! These riders would scare the hell out of Evel Knievel.  



Here's a little something that falls in the 'Go Figure' category. I have seen Mercedes Benz, Ferrari's, Stingrays, Corvette's, Town-cars, and other high end cars that simply don't fit in this washboard road country. That is unless you have more money than brains and replacing the suspension system yearly is on of the ways you get your jollies.    


Thank God that there is an awesome public transportation system! You can get anywhere via bus or taxi at a very reasonable cost. Now with Uber arriving the cost for a ride is even cheaper. The taxi companies have already held three strikes because Ubers rates are lower. Plus the individual owners and drivers of the cars are heads and shoulders above in appearance and vehicle maintenance.












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