Thursday, August 31, 2017

            Big Ben Falls Silent but the politics don't


In the mist of the threat from North Korea and the meltdown of the Democrats due to the November loss of their queen the big story across the pond is that one of, if not the biggest symbols of their country is now dormant. At least the noise that emanates from it. 

Blimey, the time, money and effort of analyzing this startling event is not just worth the politicians focus but it is also a much needed distraction from the aforementioned worldly follies. Don't get me wrong. I like a big bong bong as much as the next guy. Oh wait, I was talking about today's Big Ben not that smoking aid. Back to the subject at hand.

I really don't think that the world will miss 4 years (or more as the story eludes to) of Big Ben's 4 noisy outbursts. I do concede that possibly the fish and chips and Spotted Dick pudding just won't taste the same. Heck, maybe when BB starts belching again the Brits will rise up with torches and ropes to silence it because they have grown to like the post-BB taste.

Let's all hold our breath as this very serious matter is debated and pray that the leaders make the right decision. Does BB go silent for renovations? Or the workers go deaf the first day? Just hail one of the guards at Buckingham Palace and give him your vote. You can tell from their expression that they live for controversy.    

Monday, August 14, 2017

                            Protest in my home state

If there was a Stupidity Olympics, it might well look like what the world saw in Charlottesville, Virginia this weekend. Idiots came from all over to participate in the Games, with oversight (and we use that word in every possible sense) and rules administered by as striking a bunch of ideological nitwits as you could ever hope to assemble in one place.

It isn't easy to comment on exactly what happened because the incendiary events became perfect fodder for alleged journalists (and politicians) to say whatever the hell they wanted to whether it was factual or not. Hurricanes only wish they had this kind of spin.

According to the mainstream media, Donald Trump's enthusiastic embrace of Nazis and the KKK inevitably manifested in a White Power hate rally. And when lovable Leftists peacefully protested, a number of them were deliberately mowed down by the speeding car of a White racist causing one death and many serious injuries. So horrific was the racist violence that a police helicopter fell out of the sky just from watching the carnage, causing the tragic deaths of two officers - but upping the tally to "3 killed in violent confrontations" in reports throughout the entirely delighted media.

 But that's not exactly what happened. Although truthfully, we don't know exactly what happened (how could we?) but do know a lot of things are being underreported and misreported.

• The "Unite the Right" rally was planned ahead of time in coordination with the ACLU, a proper permit was obtained, and no matter how odious the nincompoop group's views might be, they had a First Amendment right to assemble peacefully and speak.

• Officials of Charlottesville (along with Virginia governor and longtime Clinton hack, Terry McAuliffe) presciently "predicted" violence before the event, perhaps because they were welcoming the imbecilic armies of Antifa and BLM with open arms - after which they illegally (according to an actual judge) tried to move the event before revoking the permit entirely. Unsurprisingly, and perhaps intentionally, chaos ensued.

• Antifa and BLM came looking for violence, then caused it - throwing stones and water bottles, pepper spraying alt-right types, and occasionally just beating people bloody (although in fairness, some in the "Unite the Right" crowd clearly came to rumble, too). Seemingly, the police did little to stop this and might (we emphasize might) have been instructed to step back to allow some politically useful carnage to take place.

• A 20-year old loser who might (we emphasize might) be a Nazi-sympathizer drove his car into a crowd at high speed. If it was his intent to injure people, then he is a terrorist - no more, no less - and should suffer the appropriate consequences. 

In other words, every aspect of this clash of the dunderheads was a fustercluck of the highest magnitude. Hateful cretins of many races, creeds and colors came to clash - influenced far more by the media's rhetoric than anything ever said by Donald Trump, and certainly not endorsed by the President in any way.

A couple of important points: the imbeciles who really are neo-Nazis and White supremacists are despicable, but there aren't that many of them. Happily, inbreeding shortens their life spans.

Similarly, the blockheads of Antifa and BLM are probably lacking in real numbers, although their influence gets magnified by favorable press coverage and the seemingly endless depth of George Soros's pocketbook.

Unfortunately, with the intent of forcing Donald Trump out of the White House, the mainstream media continues to turn up the heat and create the illusion that the majority of Americans have pledged allegiance to one pin headed side or the other. By doing so, they maneuver citizens (albeit hopeless ignoramuses) into gladiatorial combat, with actual bloodshed - no matter who caused it - seen as a victory.

And nothing that happened in Charlottesville is more sickening, or more frightening, than that.

***This is from Stiltons Place blog. Copied because I think it is dead on!!

Friday, August 4, 2017

                                    Boredom in Paradise

As an expat living once again in Costa Rica I first want to assure the reader that this is a beautiful country. That is unless you are on medical leave of absence! Then it is just as boring as if you were in your hometown. Allow me to explain.

I have visited many scenic and historical places since returning in 2010. And why not. When I lived here in the 90's I never had time since I was forced for business reasons to split my time between Honduras, El Salvador, the United States and here. The 60-70 hour work week left me too spent to do anything but sit by my pool sipping my favorite drink(s) and planning the next week agenda and challenges. 

However, I have been on medical leave of absence for 2 months waiting for a surgery called Carotid Endarterectomy. One of the major symptoms is dizziness. So much so that it is difficult to maintain your balance when you try to walk. That in itself puts the "ain't no way in hell" decision as the only way to go. So I am doomed to suffer cabin fever. Held hostage in our home here in Alajuela! 

I spend my days reading, surfing the web and watching TV. Although we have cable, 90% of the channels are in Spanish. A language I speak very poorly. So I am forced to watch reruns during the day or those talk shows that are mostly conducted by liberals who's views I very rarely have anything in common with. The game shows many times give away trips to paradise (Costa Rica). Just to rub it in my face of the places and things that are at my finger tips but unobtainable to me at this time of my BOREDOM!   

In closing let me again say that if you can keep your balance and want to visit a great country as a get away 'come on down'. Bring me a wheel chair. I'll keep a light on for you.

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